Week 6: Crash Course Videos
Image Details: Mythology, Source: flickr
The crash course video, “What is Myth,” explains
that mythology is a combination of literature, history, anthropology,
sociology, psychology, religion, and even some concepts from science. Mythology
is complicated for several reasons. First, mythology is derived from many older
myths that have several different versions of the same story. Another reason
why mythology is complicated is that it is open to many different interpretations.
Different cultures and religions, individuals argue and theorize myths for
hundreds of years. The video explains that most of the time in mythology, we
are exposed to interpretations of a myth and not a solid fact. Also, another
important thing to remember about mythology is that the line between myth and
religion is very thin. Moreover, when looking at myths, we tend to understand
and perceive them as stories than as a truth. Historians believe that by separating
the religious value from myths, we are able to enjoy stories through and
critically think about them without any religious or personal inhibitions. Another
problem with myths is that they don’t have “nameable” authors. This means that
we do not know who had originated certain myths and how they came about. An
important aspect to understand about myths is that even though they may not be
true, generations of people have come to believe certain myths. It is
interesting that a lot of what we believe in, particularly in religion, is not
a solid truth but a form of a story that has been passed on from generation to
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