Week 8: Comments and Feedback

                                               Image Details: Feedback Cats, Source: cheezburger 

The feedback that I have been receiving on the work that I have been completing in class has been very helpful for me. I find that comments which explain how I can change or edit my story are very helpful for me in future writing. Also, I do enjoy getting positive comments as it allows me to move forward and write better stories. When I give feedback to other students, I use the WWW feedback strategy. This strategy allows me to praise other students, but also lets me criticize portions of the story that I feel needs to be changed. I definitely enjoy reading other people’s stories as I am exposed to other stories and writing styles that I can use in my own stories. Also, I do like blog comments as I get to feel like I am in a class environment. I think that looking forward, I am pretty content with feedback assignments we have for class.


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