Storybook Favorites
The Epics of Food:
Image Details: Indian Desserts, Source: Wikimedia
I have visited India many times, so this topic is very familiar for me. Overall, the title was efficient in engaging me to read the storybook. Also, the title did a good job of informing the reader what the storybook was about. The introduction was very good as it was able to efficient link to topic of food to various stories about the gods from the epics. The layout of the storybook was good as it explained how each food had a specific connection to each of the gods. This layout makes reading the storybook much more engaging. I think that if I did a storybook, I would use a similar layout and design as this storybook.
How I Met Your Mother:
Image Details: Yellow Umbrella, Source: Pixabay
Overall, the format of the storybook was very good. It was clear
and simple to find the different stories as well as being able to know whose
story was whose. The concept of basing characters from the “epics” on
characters from the show “How I Met Your Mother” was brilliant. It made reading
the stories much more fun and entertaining. I think that if I did a storybook,
I would maybe use a similar idea of taking inspiration from other stories,
movies, or TV shows.
Image Details: Ravana, Source: Wikimedia
This storybook was an interesting take on the story of
Ravana and getting his perspective on the actions of his past like when he
kidnapped Sita, his relationship with his mother, or even killing his father.
It is interesting to see how he describes his actions as well as his
justifications for his actions. I really liked this storybook because it seemed
to be more personal and engaging. The title was effect in describing what the
storybook was about. Also, the layout and design was clear and efficient to
read and understand. I would definitely take inspiration from this storybook,
particularly the idea of making the storybook more personal to the character.
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