Introduction of a Future Psychologist

Hi everyone!

My Name is Rachana Rajala. I was born in Saskatoon, Canada; however, both of my parents are from India, particularly from a region known as Andhra Pradesh. I moved to the United States when I was two years and have been in Oklahoma since then.

I am a currently a Senior at the University of Oklahoma. I am a psychology major and I am hoping to be a clinical psychologist who specializes in developmental and behavioral psychology. I think that the best class that I took last semester was a cognitive psychology course because it was really interesting and actually had to do something with my major. My biggest accomplishment was probably giving a five minute speech in one of my classes last semester. Since I was a kid,  I have had terrible social anxiety and have hated public speaking. However, last semester I was able to compose myself and be able to give a somewhat decent speech, so that would be my biggest accomplishment.

Over the winter break I really didn't do anything exciting except play with my dog. Her name is Iris and she is a border collie. However, last summer I actually went to India for 6 weeks to visit my family. This trip was really special because this was the first time that I ever traveled and flew by myself without my parents.

I love movies and the best movie that I have seen recently is this Indian movie called "Barfi", which I would highly recommend. One of the best books that I have read recently is called "Climbing the Stairs."

I eat a lot of Indian food because my parents love Indian food. Some of my favorite dishes are Naan, Biryani, and Chicken curry. My mother makes these dishes during special occasions and there are amazing. Although I love Indian food, I am addicted to carbohydrates like pasta or pizza. Also, I am addicted to ice cream and chocolate. My hobbies consist of reading, drawing, crafts, watching movies, playing with my dog, and SLEEP!  Hobbies that I wish I took up would be gardening.

If I had an extra day to do anything, I would most likely go out and get coffee from Starbucks and maybe go out antique shopping with my friends. Then I would go home and either watch a movie or read a book and enjoy the rest of the day.

                                                        (Here is a picture of my dog)


  1. Hi Rachana,
    I absolutely love your dog! He or she is extremely cute and photogenic. Chicken curry is incredibly delicious and I have tried to make it at home, but am afraid I did not do it justice. It is awesome to see that you were able to conquer your anxiety and deliver a speech that I am sure went amazing. It is the small victories that we need to celebrate. I hope you will use the confidence from delivering the speech and give another one!

  2. Hi Rachana,
    I think it's really cool that you were born in Canada and later moved to the United States. I was also born outside of the U.S. Would you by chance happen to have a dual citizenship? I also really really love Indian food, it's so fragrant and flavorful. There was an Indian restaurant in Norman that I really liked going to, unfortunately it closed down. :(

  3. Hi Rachana,
    One of my best friend's names is actually Rachana so I thought that was really cool when I saw your post. My parent's grew up in Sri Lanka but I have a lot of family in Tamil Nadu, which is pretty close to Andhra Pradesh! I can totally relate to you on the public speaking thing. Every time I have to give a speech in front of a class I get so nervous and it's something I really need to work on. It's awesome that you were able to give a good speech because I know how tough that can be. Your hobbies are really similar to mine and you seem like an interesting person. Also you're dog is so cute!

  4. You're dog is such a cutie and reminds me own my own two troublemakers. I personally love Naan too even though I don't have it that often. Another dish I'm familiar with and love the taste of is butter chicken, yum! I used to be a bio major so i know how difficult some of those science classes can be, learning about psychology seems so interesting though!

  5. Hi Rachana! You dog is very pretty and cute! I think it's so cool that you're from Canada because I love to travel and have never actually been there! Also, it is cool that your parents are from India because I imagine they cook very authentic Indian food! I hear that it's generally hard to find that at local restaurants. I am happy you mentioned your pizza and ice cream addictions... those are some of the most important food groups!! hahaha

  6. Oh, I am glad to get to hear more of your story, Rachana, and your Andhra Pradesh connection. Wonderful! Did you see the item in the announcements this week about Telugu being the fastest-growing language in America? No kidding. Here's the link to the article: What’s the Fastest-Growing Language in the U.S.? You’ll Never Guess. Southern Indian food is my favorite; I still dream about Udupi Palace, which was just a few blocks from where I used to live in Berkeley. I am uthappam-deprived now!
    And your Iris looks like a sweetie! I always think of border collies as being both so nice and also so quick to learn. A friend of mine had a border collie who loved to put on a show with all the tricks she knew. Maybe you can add Iris to the Pet Gallery... here's the "Pet Padlet" -- Padlet Tech Tips, which is a fun way to do an extra credit Tech Tip thing. :-)

  7. Hello Rachana! I love seeing so many dog people in this class. I’m happy you are one of them. My wife is a research psychologist and we have a running joke that it seems like most academic psychology programs end up being housed in a basement. OU’s is at the bottom of Dale Hall, right? Is there something to that? It feels almost sinister. At least that’s how we make light of it. Although I’m not a psychologist, I find the areas of study fascinating and, when you can get a psychologist to open up about themselves, they usually have some really great insights with life...and sometimes you find they are a little sinister too. Ha!

  8. Hi Rachana! I think it’s so cool that your taking this class. What interested you into taking the course? Did you want to learn more about your culture? I’m also a psychology major! However, unlike you, I’ve been stuck deciding whether I should go either the social or clinical route. It’s just so hard picking a certain field. I’m glad you found something that you interests you!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. Since I grew up in the United States, I didn't really get to have the same experiences that my cousins in India had. I love learning about India and the epics are really fascinating to me. I guess I wanted to learn more about my culture and I love stories about mythology and fantasy as well.

  9. Howdy Rachana,
    First I wanted to say Iris is so cute, and she has a beautiful name. I think it is fun that you are from Canada. Canada is probably my top ranked place I want to travel to as of right now. I also think it is cool that you have some many different backgrounds! I know it is a little late, but I wish you the best of luck on your semester!

  10. Hi Rachana,
    I love your name! I also have a kind of rare name, do you like having a rare name? I used to hate it growing up but now as I get older I really appreciate how it is different. Your dog is absolutely precious! That's so exciting that you are going to become a psychologist. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  11. Hi Rachana,

    That’s so cool. I’m sure that your Indian background paired with your psychological interests will give you a very interesting lens through which to approach the content of this course. I’m curious: how familiar were you with the Ramayana and Mahabharata before starting this class?

    Your dog is very cute indeed, by the way.


    1. Thanks for your comment! It's really interesting to look at the epics from a psychological point of view cause you can see so many different layers and themes for each of the characters in the epics. My parents grew up in India and learned about the Ramayana and Mahabharata when they were children. My father has sort of become an expert about both the Mahabharata and Ramayana and loves to teach me about each of the characters. He mostly shows off that he knows more about Indian culture than I do :-)

  12. Hi Rachana I enjoyed reading your introduction post! Think it is cool that you are from Canada, I bet it is a lot colder up there then it is down here. I for one am so sick of this cold weather. I thought it was really interesting how you mentioned in your last paragraph if you had an extra day in the week what you would do. I would give an arm and a leg for an extra day in the week like perhaps a 5 day school week and a 3 day weekend. I would probably use it to catch up on work and catch up on sleep. The amount of work and assignments teachers assign over the weekend in my opinion is way to much. Weekends are for relaxing and resetting yourself fro another week, not to catch up on HW that you weren't able to complete over the weekdays.

  13. Hi Rachana,

    Iris is a beautiful name for your cute pup. I too am a psychology major. I worked in a cognitive psychology lab which was cool. I think that with clinical is a great mix. I think my first solo flight (no friends) was when I was 15 years old, but it was from Oklahoma to Colorado. Usually even if I'm not flying with my parents, I am flying with my friends. This is a really underrated experience because it is kind of scary going through a security check and boarding a flight with no one. I can not imagine flying solo to another country! Just the stress of customs and changing flights. Congrats! Also I feel you on the sleep haha. I look forward to reading more!

  14. Rachana,

    First, your dog is super cute. I love dogs and yours is perfect. Second, I am also a psychology major, but I found cognitive psych to be so boring. This is why I love psychology though. It is such a broad field that everybody can find an interest in it. For cognitive psych, I thought it was too technical and although fascinating, my passion is more on the behavior side instead of the brain, neurotransmitter side. I am glad there are people like you, however, who are interested in that part of psychology so we can continue to perfect our field!

  15. Hi Rachana! I used to be a Psychology major when I first came to OU but I didn't enjoy it so I switched to Microbiology, which I enjoy a lot more! Do you have dual citizenship since you were born in Canada or not because you've been in the US since you were 2? Your dog is very cute! I wish I could get a dog, but I am never home enough to take it out for the bathroom. That's why I have a cat and a turtle, very low maintenance and I love them both!

  16. I want to know why your family chose to live in Oklahoma of all places? I love it here but it always blows my mind when people chose here when they're from some other fabulous place in another country. Antique shopping! Yes! I love to go looking through antique stores, except everything is so expensive. I usually just look at everything, get ideas, and then leave and never make those ideas come to life.

    1. Hey Aleisha,
      Thanks for your comment! My dad moved from India to Canada and lived there for about 10 years. I think that the first job offer he got in the U.S was in Oklahoma which is why he moved here. I still complain to him that he should have waited a bit and should have moved to the east coast, but I do love living in the United States. Also, I agree with you on antique shopping. It's kind of depressing cause I get inspired by all the pieces I see, but I can't afford them.

  17. Wow Rachana, your idea of the perfect day is pretty much the same as mine. I like antique tools and mechanical items. I've got antique calipers and an antique hammer and stopwatch, they're all really cool. Also could you recommend some Indian dishes or recipes? I really like the flavors of Indian food but I'm not sure where to start. Whenever I make curry I usually make Thai-style curry, but I'd like to start making Indian-style curry. Let me know if you have any recommendations!

    1. Thank you for your comment! There are so many different types of Indian curry. My favorite is chicken and shrimp curry. One of the most important aspects of curry is the amount of aromatics and spice you put in it. Also, the color of your curry is really important as Indian curries are very vibrant in color. I would say to watch some you tube videos as they are pretty helpful in showing how to make curry step by step. If you have any more questions, feel free to let me know!

  18. Hi Rachana! How exciting that you were able to go to India for 6 weeks! Where do you go when you are visiting? Are there certain foods you will seek out? Or are there certain places that are a "must see" while there? How often do you visit? Obviously, I am very interested in your Indian experience! I too love old things. I love to go Vintage shopping. I find the BEST items at estate sales. Do you have go to estate sales? I bet you would find some amazing antiques cheaper than the shops.

    1. Thanks for you comment! My family lives in Andhra Pradesh where they mostly speak the language Telugu. My family lives in several different place so I visited Rajahmundry, Vijayawada, Vishakapatnam and, Hyderabad. Hyderabad is where I usually fly to because that is where the international airport is located. I usually take trains or buses to go to the other locations cause it's cheaper :-)
      I love all kinds of Indian food, but my favorites would be biryani, chicken curry, mushroom curry, and naan. However, there are so many different regional dishes, so i would recommend trying those is you did visit India. I usually visit India every two to three years. Also, I would recommend that you see the Taj Mahal, Charminar, and the red fort cause they are some historical landmarks in India. Also, I would recommend that you buy stuff from flea or street markets in India as they are so much more cheaper than buying stuff from actual shops. It also helps small business owners as well :-)

  19. Hi hi Rachana!!

    I swear that I have commented on this page before, but I may be misremembering. Yesterday, I was definitely dismembering, but I could be misremembering. I'm curious as to your thoughts on factor analysis and psychometric validity. What do you think makes something psychometrically valid? Personally, I think that even if your measurements come out slightly different, if there appears to be some correlation, then its at least worth exploring. I must say that I love naan, I suppose that I just love all grain, but I think naan is particularly good.

  20. Hey Rachana,
    When you talked about your cognitive psych class that was exactly what happened to me when I started my microbiology classes. Even though the other classes I had taken were cool, these actually mattered to my major and to me. Your story is pretty cool with Indian heritage while also coming from Canada. It reminds me of my best friend who seems to be just a step farther than you, born in the US with a ton of Indian relatives in Canada, but hasn't even been to India. Just was a weird connection that I saw when reading. I just keep asking his dad to make some Indian dishes and am super jealous that your mom can make them.

  21. Hey Rachana,
    It's so nice to meet you! My best friend is a psychology major and she loves it! It sounds like such a great major. My family is from Bangladesh, but we watch Bollywood movies all the time; I agree that Barfi is an amazing movie. I completely relate to your love for naan and biryani too. Also, Iris is so adorable! I absolutely love dogs and have always wanted a pet corgi.

    Good luck with this class and the rest of the semester!

  22. Hi Rachana! I'm a mathematics major myself, but I have taken several psychology classes as electives out of interest and to fulfill some degree requirements. I'm actually in Cognitive Psychology right now and I think it's super interesting! I get to learn about memory, perception, and all kinds of other things. Well, I guess you would know since you took it last semester. Did you have any study tips that worked for you when you took the course? I'm finding its difficult to remember some of the concepts, so I am definitely open to ideas. I think it's actually ironic since the textbook we're using this semester suggests study tips as we learn more about memory and whatnot.

  23. Hey Rachana, Why did you want to go into phycology? I am currently studying biochemistry. The only phycology course I took was intro. However, I know a lot of people who have taken more. My girlfriend is actually going to take cognitive physiology next semester so I''ll tell her it is a good one. How was the trip to india? Was that your first time to visit? What kind of dog do you have?

  24. Hi Rachana,

    It is so great to meet you! I love how you are obsessed with food because I totally am too. All those foods you mentioned made my mouth water. Indian food, and especially home food, is so so good. Barfi was such an amazing movie! You sound like such a wonderful person. I think it is so cool how you want to go into psychology. It is such an interesting subject! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  25. Hi Rachana!
    I am also a senior psychology major but, I am not going to be a clinical psychologist. I have also had really bad social anxiety my whole life and have a very difficult time with public speaking. I am really glad for you that your speech well. I like Bollywood movies a lot especially Barfi. It honestly one of my favorite Bollywood movies ever.


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